
We’re all about helping you feel more confident in a place where you’re not so confident.

Stepping into a gym for the first time (or if you haven’t been in one in a while) can be very intimidating. There’s a term for this, it’s called ‘gymtimidation’. It’s overwhelming and enough to make you give up on your goals before you even spend one minute working on them.

Equipment, machines, weights dropping and banging. Those ‘regulars’ who make it feel even worse to be a ‘beginner’; or a ‘once-againer’.

Overcoming this intimidation is crucial for anyone who has a goal. That means – everyone!

Understanding a few things can really help with your mindset for training; which is of course – the most important part.

#1: Begin with the knowing that everyone in the gym was once a beginner. The fit ‘regulars’ who look so fantastic, got that way from getting up, getting there and getting at it. Everyone can. The only limit id in your mind.

#1.2: Maybe for starters, you can begin during the quieter class sessions. This way you can build confidence, while the coach is also able to offer you more personalised attention.

#2: Once you’re in the door, let’s get some goals on the board. (your own board or ours – whatever you’re more comfortable with). Goals should be specific and achievable at first. The more you progress, the more the stretch should be. Attaining small victories one at a time can be a very important part of the change in mindset as you begin to record all the achievements.

#3: Do a bit of reading on what to expect in your new gym. Check out their social pages, become familiar with their class times and routines. This knowledge helps a bit with gaining confidence on knowing when you walk in that first week.

#4: My fave – TREAT YO’SELF. You need comfy clothing – the right clothing – for training. It must be breathable, fitting, offer the confidence covering you require. You need the right shoes! Don’t skimp on shoes! If your shoes are wrong, there are many problems that can creep in along the way from stepping incorrectly etc. This is going to be a new lifestyle – so treat it like one.

#5: Focus on YOU. It’s easy to feel self-conscious when you see others lifting heavier weights or running faster. However, comparing yourself to others can be discouraging and counterproductive, and also a operating ground for injuries. Most gyms have a multi-functional method of having workout available for every level of strength and fitness. You don’t need to start (or come back) at where everyone else is. You are your only priority in the gym.

#6: Keep going! That first two weeks is going to be tough. A real shocker for some. Push through!

After getting past that first barrier your body customises itself and your fitness sky-rockets. You’ll feel ready to go harder, faster and bigger in no time.

So, let’s get pushing the limits guys! The only obstacle to overcome now, is your own mind.